Jumpstart January with Amenity Yoga

January 2024

Welcome to January, a month of fresh starts and new beginnings. We're excited to kick off 2024 with a packed edition that includes:

Let's make 2024 your most vibrant and balanced year yet!
-The AY Team


New year resolutions: the mental health perspective

Embracing New Year's resolutions can be uplifting, but it's crucial to approach goal setting with healthy expectations to avoid undue stress. Here are five steps you can follow to achieve your resolutions without sacrificing your sanity:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Choose resolutions that are achievable and measurable. Overambitious goals can set you up for disappointment.

  2. Break It Down: Divide larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes progress feel more attainable and less overwhelming.

  3. Focus on Process, Not Outcome: Concentrate on the daily actions and habits that lead to your goal, rather than fixating on the result.

  4. Schedule Regular Check-ins: Reflect on your progress, adjust goals if needed, and celebrate small successes to maintain motivation and perspective.

  5. Practice Self-Compassion: Remember that setbacks are part of the journey. Be kind to yourself and recognize that progress is not always linear. Avoid harsh self-criticism.


Embrace the new year with our January yoga sequence

To help you start 2024 with balance and positivity, we've crafted a special "New Beginnings" Yoga Sequence for this month’s Mindful Movement section.

Why This Sequence?
Each pose in this sequence symbolizes a step towards embracing change, setting intentions, and setting a positive course for the year ahead. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting, this sequence is a beautiful way to welcome the new year.

Your New Beginnings Sequence:

  1. Begin in Mountain Pose

    Stand tall and grounded, setting your intentions for the year.

  2. Transition to Forward Fold

    Inhale deeply, then exhale as you fold forward, letting go of the past.

  3. Move into Downward-Facing Dog

    Step back and lift your hips, finding strength and perspective.

  4. Step to Warrior II

    From Downward Dog, step your right foot forward, rising into a pose of empowerment and focus.

  5. Shift into Triangle Pose

    Straighten your right leg and extend your arm, reaching for balance and stability.

  6. Return to Mountain Pose, then into Tree Pose

    Step back to Mountain Pose and then balance in Tree Pose, symbolizing growth and stability.

  7. Sit for Seated Twist

    Transition to a seated position and twist, embracing change and reflection.

  8. Prepare for Camel Pose

    Kneel and reach back, opening your heart to the year ahead.

  9. Ease into Seated Forward Bend

    Sit with legs extended, folding forward, introspecting on your aspirations.

  10. Conclude with Corpse Pose

    Lie back, absorb the calm, and carry this tranquility forward.

📱 For On-the-Go Practice

📄 For At-Home Sessions


Enhance your wellbeing with our audio yoga guide 🎧

This month, we’re excited to offer an exclusive audio walkthrough of our “New Beginnings” Yoga Sequence. This guided experience is designed to deepen your practice by harmonizing breath with movement, fostering a profound connection between mind and body.

Why an Audio Guide?

Yoga is more than physical postures; it’s a dance of breath and movement. Our audio guide leads you through each pose with cues for breathing and mindfulness, helping you to:

  • Stay Present: Audio cues keep you focused and immersed in the present moment.

  • Enhance Awareness: By paying attention to breath and movement, you cultivate a deeper awareness of your body.

  • Reduce Stress: The rhythmic flow of guided breathwork and movement can help to alleviate stress and promote relaxation.


Help us shape your yoga experience 🧘‍♀️

As we continue to explore and grow our yoga offerings, we’ve been experimenting with different formats for our yoga sequences – video, audio, and visual downloads – and we’re curious to know: Which one resonates with you the most? Click the link below to quickly share which format you prefer:



  • Forbes Article on 2024 Resolutions: A Forbes survey showed a shift from mental health in 2023 to fitness-focused resolutions in 2024. Learn more about why.

  • NPR’s “Life Kit”: Choose from 50 different ways to change your life in 2024 through resolutions. Our personal favorite? Live to 100.


  • Passion Planner: Set and track goals weekly, monthly, and annually with the Passion Planner. This is our favorite tool for goal setting in the new year. Plus - it comes with a weekly calendar to boot.
